The Wander Woman Blog

What I would tell the 19-year-old version of myself

Jun 04, 2019

Congrats on everyone graduating from a variety of schools this past weekend! You rock…and you’re in for an adventure called life!

I graduated in 2002 which is a few years ago... Saying...

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Be unapologetically you - how to build your confidence muscle

Apr 30, 2019

(Published originally in Nov 2018)

I'm often being told: "Oh, but that's so easy for you because you're so confident!"

Well, that is true - I am confident! But did that come easy - no way! I've...

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A little less conversation, a little more actionā€¦

Apr 27, 2019

(Published originally in March 2019)

So, Anna, where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

And so I had stumbled upon one of the most typical job interview questions ever – and truth to be...

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